Unsilent Women podcast


Unpacking important conversations!

Welcome to the Unsilent Women podcast where we have healing conversations that propel women of color to their highest potential. As women of color, we have long leaned into spaces — workspaces, wellness spaces, political and social spaces that haven’t been invested in our success. We have adapted, we have become the model minority and we have even been pitted against each other in a world that seeks to benefit from uncertainty and division.

Co-hosts Poorva Misra-Miller and Nashina Merani Miranda will bridge the gap between women of color through informative, at times difficult but ultimately healing conversations.


Swipe Left to Find Someone Right

With self-proclaimed sh*t distruber, Nikoletta Erdelyi.

A Container Just For You

With psychologist, couples therapist and host of the I'm Not Your Shrink podcast, Dr. Tracy Dalgleish.

Once Upon a Time, You Heard it in a Nursery Rhyme

With literary agent representing bold and innovative books for kids, teens and curious adults, Maria Vicente.

The Unsilent Majority

With Toronto-based artist, visual storyteller and photographer, Zahra Siddiqui.

Diversity in the Stack

With Lauren Washington, an entrepreneur and co-founder of Black Women Talk Tech, a conference created to support and highlight the brilliance of Black women in tech.


Testimonial quote on white background
Podcast testimonial with quotations on dark green background
Podcast testimonial on a white background